Spelling Words


Special Effects in Film and Television

Prefixes un-, de-, dis-


When prefixes un-, de-, and dis- are added to words, the base word does not change.

The prefixes un-, de-, and dis- mean "not" or "the opposite of."


Weekly Words

1. uncover 6. unfortunate 11. unemployed 16. disappoint
2. defrost 7. unfamiliar 12. deflate 17. unpleasant
3. uncomfortable 8. disability 13. disbelief 18. dehydrated
4. discourage 9. discomfort 14. unpredictable 19. disqualify
5. disadvantage 10. deodorant 15. disapprove 20. undecided


Challenge Words

21. unnecessary

22. disobedient

23. dehumidifier

24. disinfectant

25. disenchanted



Have fun practicing your spelling words

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