

At the Beach: Abuelito's Story

En la playa

    by Lulu Delacre



Genre Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary/Glossary
Comprehension Skill Draw Conclusions
Comprehension Strategy Visualize



algae (n.) group of related living things, mostly living in water
concealed (v.) put out of sight; hidden
driftwood (n.) wood carried along by water or washed ashore from the water
hammocks (n.) hanging beds or couches made of canvas, cord, etc.
lamented (v.) felt or showed grief for
sea urchins (n.) small, round sea animals with spiny shells
sternly (adv.) strictly; firmly
tweezers (n.) small pincers for picking up small objects


More Words to Know

cockles (n.) saltwater clams with two-ridged, heart-shaped shells
dislodged (v.) driven or forced out of place or position
emphatically (adv.) said or done forcefully; strongly


Summary (English)

    One day Fernando goes to the beach with his family. They all go in Papi’s car. The children run into the water as soon as they get there. The adults sit in the shade. The men play dominoes.

    Fernando wants to go to the reef. The other children go with him. Their parents had told them not to go. Fernando’s little cousin Javi steps on a sea urchin. Sea urchins have sharp spines. Javi is hurt. The children will be in trouble if their parents find out that they went to the reef. Fernando tells a lie when they go back for lunch.

    Fernando feels bad about lying. He tells the truth. He thinks Mami will not give him lunch. But Mami thanks him for telling the truth, and Fernando eats his lunch.


Summary (Spanish)

    Un día, Fernando va a la playa con su familia. Todos van en el auto de Papi. Los niños corren hacia el agua tan pronto llegan allí. Los adultos se sientan en la sombra. Los hombres juegan dominó.

    Fernando quiere ir al arrecife. Los otros niños van con él. Sus padres les han dicho que no vayan allí. El primo pequeño de Fernando, Javi, pisa un erizo de mar. El erizo de mar tiene espinas afiladas. Javi se hace daño. Los niños tendrán problemas si sus padres descubren que ellos fueron al arrecife. Fernando dice une mentira cuando regresan a almorzar.

    Fernando se siente mal porque ha mentido y finalmente dice la verdad. Él piensa que Mami no le dará el almuerzo. Pero Mami le da las gracias por decirle la verdad, y Fernando se come su almuerzo.



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