

The Unsinkable Wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic



Genre Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary/Glossary
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cramped (v.) shut into a small space
debris (n.) scattered fragments; ruins
interior (n.) inner surface or part; inside
ooze (n.) a soft mud or slime, especially at the bottom of a pond or river or on the ocean bottom
robotic (adj.) of or for a machine with moving parts and sensing devices controlled by a computer
sediment (n.) material that settles to the bottom of a liquid
sonar (n.) device for finding the depth of water or for detecting and locating underwater objects; sonar sends sound waves into water, and they are reflected back when they strike the bottom or any object


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ascent (v.) the act of going up
intact (adj.) with nothing missing or broken; whole
viewport (n.) a small window in a small vessel



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