

The Stormi Giovanni Club

El club Stormi Giovanni

    by Lydia R. Diamond



Genre Play
Vocabulary Strategy Context Clues
Comprehension Skill Generalize
Comprehension Strategy Story Structure



cavities (n.) hollow places in teeth caused by decay
combination (n.) a series of numbers or letters dialed in opening a certain kind of lock
demonstrates (v.) shows how a thing is done
episode (n.) one part of a story that is published or broadcast in several parts, one at a time
profile (n.) low profile: moderate attitude or position, deliberately chosen in order to avoid notice
strict (adj.) very careful in following a rule or in making others follow it


More Words to Know

audacious (adj.) rudely bold
digressed (v.) turned aside from the main subject in talking or writing
scintillating (adj.) sparkling; flashing


Summary (English)

    Stormi Giovanni Green has just moved to a new city. She misses her friends back in Chicago. She decides that she will be happier if she does not make new friends. She says that she will start the Stormi Giovanni Club, and she will be the only member.

    Stormi meets a girl named Hannah at school. Hannah invites Stormi to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Stormi wants to sit alone.

    The next day, the cafeteria is full. Stormi sits with Hannah and her friends. The new people remind Stormi of her friends in Chicago. Stormi decides that she will be happier now that she has made some new friends.


Summary (Spanish)

    Stormi Giovanni Green se acaba de mudar a una nueva ciudad. Extraña a sus amigos de Chicago. Ella decide que será más feliz si no hace nuevos amigos. Dice que va a crear el club Stormi Giovanni y ella será su única socia.

    El la escuela, Stormi conoce a una niña llamada Hannah. Hannah invita a Stormi a sentarse con ella y con sus amigos a la hora del almuerzo. Stormi quiere sentarse sola.

    Al día siguiente, la cafetería está llena. Stormi se sienta con Hannah y sus amigos. Ellos le recuerdan a sus amigos de Chicago. Stormi decide que será más feliz ahora que ha hecho algunos nuevos amigos.



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