

"The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere"

"El viaje nocturno de Paul Revere"

    by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



Genre Poem
Vocabulary Strategy Word Structure
Comprehension Skill Sequence
Comprehension Strategy Graphic Organizers



fate what becomes of someone or something
fearless without fear; afraid of nothing; brave; daring
glimmer a faint, unsteady light
lingers stays on; goes slowly, as if unwilling to leave
magnified caused something to look larger than it actually is
somber having deep shadows; dark; gloomy
steed a horse, especially a riding horse


More Words to Know

belfry a space in a tower in which bells may be hung
grenadiers members of a specially chosen unit of foot soldiers
stealthy done in a secret manner


Summary (English)

    On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere made a famous ride. British soldiers were coming to fight with Revolutionary soldiers. Paul Revere wanted to warn people.

    The British troops had two ways to reach the towns. They could march by land, or they could sail on the river. That night, Revere told his friend to hang one lantern in the church tower if the British went by land. He asked the friend to hang two lanterns if they went by the river. If he knew how the British were coming, he could tell the people in the towns.

    When it got dark, Revere saw two lanterns in the church tower. He rode his horse to tell the people to get ready to fight the British. He got to the first town at midnight. He rode through many towns on the way to Concord. the next morning was the first battle of the American Revolution.


Summary (Spanish)

    El 18 de abril de 1775, Paul Revere hizo un recorrido glorioso. Los soldados británicos llegarían a luchar contra los soldados revolucionarios. Paul Revere quería alertar a la gente.

    Las tropas británicas tenían dos caminos para llegar a los pueblos. Podían marchar por tierra o podían llegar navegando. Esa noche, Revere le dijo a su amigo que pusiera un farol encendido en la torre de la iglesia si los británicos venían por tierra. Revere le dijo a su amigo que pusiera dos faroles si los británicos llegaban por mar. Si sabía cómo llegaban los británicos, él podía avisarle a la gente en los pueblos.

    Cuando oscureció, Revere vio dos faroles en la torre de la iglesia. Montó en su caballo y se gue a decirle a la gente que estuviera preparada para luchar contra los británicos. Llegó al primer pueblo a la medianoche. Atravesó muchos pueblos en su camino a Concord. A la mañana siguiente, ocurrió la primera batalla de la Guerra de Independencia.



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