

Passage to Freedom

    by Ken Mochizuki



Genre Biography
Vocabulary Strategy Dictionary/Glossary
Comprehension Skill Author's Purpose
Comprehension Strategy Monitor and Fix Up



agreement harmony in feeling or opinion
cable a message sent through wires, also called a telegram
diplomat person who manages relations between nations
issue to distribute officially to a person or persons
refugees people who flee to another country for safety
representatives people appointed or elected to act or speak for others
superiors people who are higher in rank or position
visa an official signature or endorsement upon a passport or document, showing it has been examined and approved


More Words to Know

Hanukkah a yearly Jewish festival lasting eight days, celebrating the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem
Nazis members of the National Socialist Party, a fascist political party in Germany led by Adolf Hitler
Soviets persons belonging to or fighting for the former Soviet Union



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