

Inside Out

Por dentro y por fuera

    by Francisco Jiménez



Genre Realistic Fiction
Vocabulary Strategy Word Structure
Comprehension Skill Compare and Contrast
Comprehension Strategy Answer Questions



caterpillar the wormlike larvae of insects such as butterflies and moths
cocoon case of silky thread spun by the larvae of various insects, to live in while they are developing into adults
disrespect to show a lack of respect; to be rude
emerge to come into view; come out; come up
migrant a worker, especially a farm worker, who travels from one area to another in search of work
sketched drawn roughly and quickly
unscrewed loosened or taken off by turning


More Words to Know

gestured made a movement to help express an idea or a feeling
suspenders straps worn over the shoulders to hold up the trousers


Summary (English)

    Francisco moved to the United States from Mexico. He did not speak or understand English. School was hard.

    In his classroom, Francisco sat near a caterpillar in a jar. Francisco watched the caterpillar and brought it leaves to eat. During art class, Francisco drew pictures of birds and butterflies. The teacher put one of his drawings on the board.

    Francisco had no jacket. Mr. Sims noticed that he was shivering. He gave Francisco a jacket from a box of old jackets. The next day, Francisco wore the jacket. Curtis started a fight with him and said that the jacket was his. Both boys were punished. Francisco stayed inside during recess. He noticed the caterpillar had made a cocoon.

    At the end of the year, Francisco got a prize for his drawing. Curtis like the drawing. Francisco gave it to him. That day, the butterfly came out of the cocoon. The class watched as Francisco let it fly away.


Summary (Spanish)

    Francisco se mudó de México a Estados Unidos. No hablaba ni entendía inglés. La escuela era difícil para Francisco.

    En la clase, Francisco se sentaba al lado de un frasco donde había una oruga. Francisco observaba a la oruga y le traía hojas para que comiera. En la clase de arte, Francisco dibujó pájaros y mariposas. La maestra puso uno de los dibujos en el tablero de anuncios.

    Francisco no tenía chaqueta. El señor Sims observó que el niño estaba titiritando de frío. Le dio a Francisco una chaqueta de una caja de chaquetas viejas. Al día siguiente, Francisco llevaba puesta la chaqueta. Curtis comenzó a pelearse con Francisco y le decía que la chaqueta era de él. Los dos niños fueron castigados. Francisco se quedó dentro de la escuela en el recreo. Observó que la oruga había echo un capullo.

    Al final del año, Francisco recibió un premio por su dibujo. A Curtis le gustaba el dibujo. Francisco se lo regaló. Ese día, la mariposa salió del capullo. La clase observaba a Francisco cuando la dejó salir y volar.



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