

Shutting Out the Sky

Fuera del cielo

    by Deborah Hopkinson



Genre Expository Nonfiction
Vocabulary Strategy Context Clues
Comprehension Skill Cause and Effect
Comprehension Strategy Summarize



advice an opinion about what should be done
advised gave advice to
circumstances conditions that accompany an act or event
elbow to push with the elbow; make your way by pushing
hustled went or worked quickly or with energy
immigrants people who have come into a country or region to live there
luxury something pleasant but not absolutely necessary
newcomer a person who has just come or who came not long ago
peddler a person who travels about selling things carried in a pack or in a truck, wagon, or cart


More Words to Know

crannies small, narrow openings; cracks; crevices
greenhorn a person without training or experience
pushcarts light carts pushed by hand


Summary (English)

    Marcus left Romania in 1900 when he was sixteen years old. He went to live with relatives in New York City. He was allowed to stay for free for a few days. Then he needed to get a job to pay rent.

    Marcus could not find a job. His relative gave him a dollar She told him to be a peddler and sell things on the street. He did not want to do that but needed money.

    He bought two boxes of chocolates. He opened the boxes and put the chocolates on a tray. No one was buying from him. Another peddler helped Marcus make a sale. Soon Marcus had sold all the chocolates. He bought dinner in a restaurant that night. Then he counted the money that he had earned.


Summary (Spanish)

    Marcus dejó Rumania en 1900 cuando tenía diecisiete años. Se fue a vivir con unos parientes a Nueva York. Ellos le permitieron quedarse gratis por unos días. Después, tenía que conseguir un trabajo para pagar el alquiler.

    Marcus no podía encontrar trabajo. Su pariente le dio un dólar y le dijo que trabajara como mercachifle y vendiera productos en la calle. Él no quería hacerlo pero necesitaba el dinero.

    Compró dos cajas de chocolates. Abrió las cajas y puso los chocolates en una bandeja. Nadie le compraba. Otro mercachifle ayudó a Marcus a hacer una venta. Rápidamente, Marcus vendió todos los chocolates. Esa noche compró la cena en un restaurante. Después contó el dinero que había ganado.



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