

Satchel Paige

    by Lesa Cline-Ransome

    illustrated by James E. Ransome



Genre Biography
Vocabulary Strategy Context Clues
Comprehension Skill Sequence
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confidence firm belief in yourself; self-confidence
fastball a pitch thrown at high speed with very little curve
mocking laughing at; making fun of
outfield the three players in the outfield of a baseball field
unique having no like or equal; being the only one of its kind
weakness a weak point; slight fault
windup a swinging movement of the arms while twisting the body just before pitching the ball


More Words to Know

duo pair
potholes deep holes in the surface of a street or road
semi-pro a part-time professional athlete


Summary (English)

    Satchel Paige was a great baseball pitcher. He started playing on professional teams when he was nineteen. Many people came to see him strike batters out. After one year, he started playing in the Negro major leagues. He played on different teams for seventeen years.

    Satchel got married in 1941. He thought he would stay home and not play baseball, but he could not stay away from baseball. After a year, he was playing again.

    In 1942, Satchel's team was in the league championship. Satchel had to pitch to Josh Gibson. Gibson was the best batter in the league. Satchel said he would strike him out, and he did.


Summary (Spanish)

    Satchel Paige fue un gran lanzador de béisbol. Comenzó a jugar en equipos profesionales cuando tenía diecinueve años. Mucha gente iba a los partidos a verlo ponchar bateadores. Después de un año, comenzó a lanzar en las Ligas Mayores Negras. Jugó en diferentes equipos por diecisiete años.

    Satchel se casó en 1941. Pensó que podría quedarse en casa y no jugar más béisbol. Pero no podía mantenerse lejos de este juego. Después de un año, estaba jugando de nuevo.

    En 1942, el equipo de Satchel estaba en el campeonato de la liga. Satchel tenía que lanzarle a Josh Gibson. Gibson era el mejor bateador de la liga. Satchel dijo que podía poncharlo y así fue.



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