

Subjects and Predicates


Every sentence has a subject and a predicate.



The words that tell whom or what the sentence is about are the complete subject.

The most important word in the complete subject is the simple subject.

It is usually a noun or a pronoun.

Some simple subjects have more than one word, such as United States.


    Example: A gentle lullaby relaxes everyone.    The simple subject is lullaby.




The words that tell what the subject is or does are the complete predicate.

The most important word in the complete predicate is the simple predicate, or the verb.

Some simple predicates have more than one word, such as is walking.


    Example: My aunt plays lullabies on the piano.    The simple predicate is plays.



A fragment is a group of words that lacks either a subject or a predicate.


    Example: The power of music.    This fragment lacks a predicate.



A run-on is two or more complete sentences run together.


    Example: Our whole family loves music we attend many concerts.



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